Shipping Your Petals
Please follow these important steps when preparing to send your petals:
-Please prepare to send between 2-3 petals.
-Use a small cardboard box to mail your petals. Place your petals on top of a paper towel, then place another paper towel over them. Do not wrap them up tightly. Allow the top paper towel to loosely lay on them. This will allow air to travel to the petals, helping them dry during the shipping process. Please do not place your petals inside a plastic bag, plastic bags hold moisture and can ruin your petals.
-The confirmation email after placing an order will contain the address to send the petals to.
-After we receive your petals, processing will take 3-4 weeks. This time allows us to ensure the petals are fully dry, as we put them through another drying phase. We will then mail your ring out ASAP after completing it, you will then receive another email stating your package has been shipped.
Please email us about any questions, comments, or concerns!